The absence of symptoms during pregnancy is indeed rare but not impossible. The reality is that symptoms vary from person to person and can even differ from one pregnancy to another.
Early pregnancy symptoms usually appear within the first few weeks. However, for some women, these symptoms are very mild or even nearly nonexistent.
Some women experience nausea throughout the day, while others may only feel it in the morning. Similarly, some feel exhausted and sleepy from the early weeks, while others don’t feel tired at all until the third trimester.
Additionally, it is possible for pregnancy symptoms to be so mild that they go unnoticed. According to research, 1 in 475 women experience what is known as a “cryptic pregnancy,” where they are unaware of their pregnancy until the 20th week of gestation or, more rarely, until labor.
A positive pregnancy test is the first indication of a pregnancy, even if there are no symptoms at the moment. After the first ultrasound, there will be no doubt, and by the 5th or 6th week, an expectant mother can hear the baby’s heartbeat.
Finally, it remains unknown why some women experience symptoms and others do not. The presence or absence of symptoms is not related to the overall health of the mother or the progression of the pregnancy.